We all have questions. Hopefully we've answered all of yours below!
What is the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge?
The World Vision 40 Hour Challenge is New Zealand’s largest youth fundraising campaign.
Every year since 1975, tens of thousands of young Kiwis have taken a stand through a 40 Hour Challenge to raise money and bring hope to thousands of children living in poverty in more than 40 countries.
This year we’re challenging you to go completely offline for 40 hours. Find out more!
How does the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge work?
The World Vision 40 Hour Challenge is a fun way for young people to make a positive difference. Just pick a 40 hour challenge and have your friends and family sponsor you to raise funds for vulnerable children around the world. You’ll help regreen our future by partnering with communities to restore forests and fight the impacts of climate change. Check out our 10 step guide on how to do the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge.
Stuck for ideas? Check out our Challenge ideas resource to get you started. Whatever idea you have to raise money this year, go for it. From giving up your phone to planting 40 trees in 40 hours or spending 40 hours outdoors in nature - every action counts!
Note: Please choose a challenge that is safe for you and consult a healthcare professional before attempting your challenge.
It's the easiest way to raise awareness and collect donations. You can also raise funds with a Sponsorship Book that you can collect from your Challenge Organiser or, if you are not in a team, you can order a Sponsorship Book.
3. Start fundraising.
Let your family and friends know that you are doing the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge and ask them to sponsor you. Start by sharing your fundraising page on social media!
4. Do The World Vision 40 Hour Challenge!
This year, the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge will be taking place from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd June 2024, but if those dates don't suit you, you can pick ones that do.
Collect your sponsorship money, and make sure it is all banked by 5th July 2024. Pat yourself on the back and know that you've done a fantastic job standing with frontline communities to fight the impacts of climate change.
When is the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge weekend?
The official World Vision 40 Hour Challenge starts at 8pm on Friday 21st June and ends midday Sunday 23rd June 2024.
If you’re unable to complete your challenge this weekend then you can choose a time that works for you! You’ll still make such a big impact just by being a part of it and fundraising.
How much money from the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge goes overseas?
World Vision New Zealand is committed to ensuring the highest proportion of its funds gets to those in need and we work to keep the cost of administration and marketing to a minimum. In 2023, 82% of the money received by World Vision has gone to fund our development work overseas. If you want a breakdown of where World Vision New Zealand’s money goes, read our Annual Report.
We are fortunate to get generous advertising rates from television, radio, print, billboard and online media which helps our marketing budget immensely. Most of our administration and marketing costs go towards enabling more financial support so that we can reach even more people in need.
Do I need my parent’s permission to participate in the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge?
If you sign up to fundraise online and are under 18 years old, we'll ask for your parent/guardian's email so we can let them know you've signed up.
If you're the organiser of a school or church team, we encourage you to use your standard parental/guardian consent process. We have a parental consent form that you could ask your parents to sign (optional), it also contains some information for your parents about how the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge works.
Is the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge the same event as the 40 Hour Famine?
Apart from the name, everything else remains the same. The instructions, and the event itself, are all a continuation of the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge that’s been around for 50 years.
Why have you changed the name?
While the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge began in response to the Ethiopian famine, the campaign has evolved over the years to support a variety of causes, from the Syrian Refugee Crisis to the Global Water Crisis. The incredible Kiwi kids who take part support so much more than famines, and our new name reflects this.
The new name also better reflects the way young people are choosing to take part. From a 40 hour film festival to 40 hours in a gondola, every year we are blown away by the courage and creativity of young people in coming up with new challenge ideas.
We are making this change as a positive step into the future.
Are participants still allowed to do no-eating challenges?
We do not promote or recommend no-eating challenges or food restriction of any kind. This includes restriction or labelling of so-called ‘bad’ or ‘unhealthy’ foods. We recommend adult/parental supervision and guidance with all challenges. If you have a health condition, please check with your healthcare provider.
Can I donate to a World Vision 40 Hour Challenge participant or a team online?
Yes! It is easy to donate online through their fundraising page.
If you are not sure of the link, you can search for the fundraiser and follow the steps to donate with your credit or debit card. We will email you a tax receipt for all donations of $5 or more.
Can I find the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge on Social Media?
We'd love to connect with you on Social!
Be part of the journey and keep up to date with the latest news and videos as well as what’s happening around the country:
Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
What are your guidelines for posting messages and sharing updates online?
Thank you for joining us and for being part of this online community.
We think this is a great way to raise awareness and funds for the world’s most vulnerable children. We do have a couple of rules though for posting and sharing messages on your fundraising page! Please check out our guidelines here.
Getting Started
How do I sign up for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge online?
All you need to sign up for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge online is an email address.
It is easy to get started and set up your fundraising page. You can then personalise your page, your fundraising goal and share your page with your friends and family. It only takes a few minutes.
You can link your page to your school, church or team to reach your fundraising targets together.
Check out our handy 10-step guide for tips to taking part in the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge!
Can I sign up more than one child with the same email address?
No, fundraisers need to have their own email address to create an online fundraising page.
How do I fundraise for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge?
Check out our handy 10 Step Guide for steps to taking part in the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge!
The easiest way to fundraise for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge, is with your own online fundraising page.
Set up your own personalised fundraising page, which you can link to your school or church team to reach your fundraising targets together. Share your fundraising page with your friends and family - you could even ask them to share the link on to their friends and family, or people they know would also love to support you.
You can also use a World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Sponsorship book which you can get from your school or church World Vision 40 Hour Challenge organiser. If you’re not part of an organised team you can order a Sponsorship book here.
What should I do with the money I've raised?
Thank you for taking up the challenge. Your fundraising will make a real difference.
If you are fundraising for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge with your school, church or team:
- If your sponsors have donated online by credit card or internet banking - nice work, we've already got your funds.
- If you've collected any cash or cheque donations, give them to your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge organiser as soon as possible, along with your Sponsorship Book and they will bank the money for you.
- If you're the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge organiser, use your team’s 40 Hour Challenge Deposit Book or Deposit Slip to bank your team cash donations at any ANZ branch by 5th July 2024 (last day of term 2). Please ensure the bank includes your team’s unique reference number so we can track your fundraising.
- If you've lost your team's 2024 World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Deposit book you can order another one by emailing your full name, team name and address to: books@worldvision.org.nz.
- Alternatively, you can transfer the funds directly into the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge account: 06-0101-0323407-02. Important: please include your unique reference number (found on the front of your Deposit Book) or school name so we can track your fundraising.
- Group organisers – using the postage-paid sticker provided, please send your completed Sponsorship Books and Organiser Record Sheet back as soon as possible to: Freepost Challenge, World Vision New Zealand, Private Bag 92078, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. Alternatively, you can destroy your Sponsorship Books by putting them in a secure recycling bin.
If you are fundraising for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge as an individual:
- If your sponsors have donated online by credit card or internet banking - nice work, we've already got your funds.
- If you've collected any cash or cheque donations, deposit these at any ANZ branch by 5th July 2024 using the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Deposit Slip included with your Sponsorship Book.
- Alternatively, you can transfer the funds directly into the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge account: 06-0101-0323407-02. Important: please include your unique reference number (your Sponsorship Book number) or your full name when banking your funds so we can track your fundraising.
- Send your completed Sponsorship Book back to World Vision New Zealand as soon as possible using the postage-paid sticker provided. Freepost Challenge, World Vision New Zealand, Private Bag 92078, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142.
How can I add my donations received through my Sponsorship book to my online fundraising page?
If sponsors have donated online directly to you on your fundraising page, their donation will appear immediately (if you can’t see a recent donation, try refreshing your page after 10 minutes).
If you are fundraising for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge with your school, church or team:
- If you've collected any cash or cheque donations, give them to your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge organiser, along with your Sponsorship Book and they will bank the money for you along with the rest of your team’s. This will show up on your team’s fundraising total online! These donations will appear approximately 3-4 days after banking.
- If you bank your own funds don’t forget to include your unique reference number (found on the front of the Deposit Book) or name so we can track your funds and add it to your online fundraising total. You will need to be linked to your team’s online fundraising page if you want your fundraising to be added to their total. These donations will appear approximately 3-4 days after banking.
If you are fundraising for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge as an individual:
- Any cash or cheque donations need to be banked using the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Deposit Slip included with your Sponsorship Book.
- Alternatively, you can transfer all funds raised directly into the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge account number: 06-0101-0323407-02 by 5th July 2024. Don’t forget to include your unique reference number (Sponsorship Book number) or name so we can track your fundraising and add it to your online fundraising total. These donations will appear approximately 3-4 days after banking.
I've lost my reference number for banking, what should I do?
Your team's reference number is on the front of your deposit book. If you have taken part as an individual, your reference is your sponsorship book number. If you can’t find either, email your full name and team name to books@worldvision.org.nz and we can let you know what it is.
How do I get a sponsorship book(s)?
You can order a Sponsorship book here, and we will have the books sent out to you in 5-7 working days (please allow a couple extra days for rural deliveries). Any issues, please contact us on 0800 40 HOUR (0800 40 4687).
If I fundraise online does that mean that I don't need a Sponsorship Book?
You can still use a Sponsorship Book; however, online fundraising is the easiest way to raise funds and all of the info included in the sponsorship book can be found through our resources page.
Is it safe to collect donations by door knocking?
We encourage all World Vision 40 Hour Challenge participants to create an online fundraising page. Once you have a fundraising page you can link up with your friends, church group or team, and send requests to friends and family to ask for their support. It’s a really great way to share your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge and fundraising goal with friends and family all around the country.
If you’d like to door knock in your neighbourhood, then we recommend a parent or guardian joins you.
We know it’s not always easy to ask for money, even when it’s for a great cause! Check out these resources for loads of fundraising ideas and tips.
How do I post an update to my fundraising page?
Posting an update to your online fundraising page is a great way to tell your supporters more about what you are fundraising for. You can post updates on your progress and why you are standing with frontline communities to fight the impacts of climate change.
- Login to your My World Vision and select ‘My fundraising’ and the page you want to update.
- Select the ‘post an update’ button.
- Write what you want to post, and you can add a picture to jazz it up!
- Select the ‘post’ button and your update will go up on your page straight away.
Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
How can I edit my fundraising details?
You can edit your fundraising page in My World Vision any time during your fundraising.
- Log in to your My World Vision and select ‘My fundraising’ and the page you want to edit.
- Select the ‘Edit page’ button.
- Here you can update your goal, mission statement, cover image and profile picture.
- Save your changes and your updates will go up on your page straight away.
To keep everyone safe online, we do have a couple of rules though for posting and sharing messages on your fundraising page. Please check out our guidelines here.
Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
Group Fundraising
As a group organiser, how do I bank funds raised for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge?
Thank you for taking on the role of group organiser. Our work wouldn't be possible without your hard work and dedication!
There are two easy options for banking your group's fundraising:
- Transfer all funds raised directly into the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge account number: 06-0101-0323407-02 by 5th July 2024 (end of term 2). Don’t forget to include your unique reference number (this can be found on the front of your Deposit Book) or school, church or team name so we can track your fundraising.
- Alternatively, use your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge Deposit Book to bank your team’s cash and cheque donations at any ANZ branch by 5th July 2024. Please ensure the bank includes your unique reference number (this can be found on the front of your Deposit Book) so we can track your fundraising.
If you've lost your World Vision 40 Hour Challenge deposit book you can order another one by emailing your full name, team name and address to books@worldvision.org.nz.
All banked cash donations will appear on your online fundraising page once processed, approximately 3-4 days after banking. Make sure everyone knows the fundraising can’t make a difference if their donations are not returned.
Please return or destroy your completed Sponsorship Books and Organiser Record Sheet. To return these, please send to World Vision using the postage-paid sticker provided - Freepost Challenge, World Vision New Zealand, Private Bag 92078, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142. To destroy your books, please dispose of them in a secure recycling bin.
As an organiser how do I see members on my team?
As a team organiser, you can see all the fundraising team members in your My World Vision profile.
Login into your My World Vision and under ‘My fundraising’, select ‘Teams I organise’.
Here you will find all of the teams that you manage. Select which team you want to see the members of. This will open a new page which lists all of your team’s information as well as each member of your team and how much money they have raised.
You can even invite new members to join your team from this page! Just select the ‘Invite’ button.
How do I join a School group, Church group, or other team?
Joining a team is a great way to fundraise!
If you already have a fundraising page:
- Select ‘My fundraising’.
- Select which fundraising page you want to connect with your team.
- Under the team section select ‘search’.
- Type in the name of the team you want to join.
- Join your team!
How do I set up an online fundraising page for my school, church or team?
To start, you need to set up your own personalised fundraising page. When you get to the step to link your page to a team, you just need to type in the name of your school, church or team. If you have taken part in the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge before, your school, church or team name should appear as you start typing. If not, click on 'Create a new team'. Type the name of your team, select 'World Vision 40 Hour Challenge 2024' as the cause you want to raise funds for, and then personalise your team page with your goal and details about your campaign.
Remember to share your page to your social media and friends and family – to make sure you reach your fundraising target. #40HOURNZ
What does claiming a team do?
Group organisers of any fundraising teams need to "claim the team" to activate the teams fundraising, and manage any fundraisers that join the team.
The team only needs to be claimed once by the group organiser, if you accidently click on 'claim a team' that is already claimed you will see a message letting you know the team is already claimed and you can close out of it.