Katie P

World Vision 40 Hour Challenge

World Vision 40 Hour Challenge

I’m doing the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge to provide kids with food for today, and a future for tomorrow.

In the Pacific region, 1 in 6 kids is living in severe food poverty. Together, we can change that. I'm raising funds to help families farm climate-smart crops and plant mangroves so they can feed their children in a changing climate.

Please donate now to help kids in the Pacific get enough food to grow up healthy and strong. 40 hours? Challenge accepted!

My Achievements

40 Hour Challenger

$50 Achiever

First donation

Shared the Challenge

$100 Achiever

$250 Achiever

$500 Achiever

Reached top 10 leaderboard

My Updates

My 40 hour Famine

Monday 10th Mar
My 40 hour famine will consist of 40 hours without electricity. Although many people take it for granted electricity is a huge luxury in our life that many people do not have the resources to access. 

The goal of my 40 hour famine is to raise at least $500 for those who live in the Solomon Islands. This money will be used for resources to help them survive.