World Vision 40 Hour Challenge
Hello! Kia ora! Talofa lava! Annyeonghaseyo! Konnichiwa! Ni hao! Bonjour! Ciao!
I am Willow, and I’m doing the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge to provide kids with food for today, and a future for tomorrow.
I am going to isolate myself for 40 hours. I want to know what it is like have your family gone for long periods of time just to find food. I won't be seeing anyone and won't be socializing in any way (eg. text, call, talking, etc,). I am going to stay in my room, only going out to go to the bathroom.
In the Pacific region, 1 in 6 kids is living in severe food poverty. Together, we can change that. I'm raising funds to help families farm climate-smart crops and plant mangroves so they can feed their children in a changing climate.
Please consider donating to help kids in the Pacific get enough food to grow up healthy and strong. Even a just dollar can help!
40 hours? Challenge accepted!